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FTC Safeguards Rule Update: Part Two

Safeguards Rule Part Two – 10 Steps Your Dealership Should be Taking to Navigate the FTC Safeguards Rule Before December 9


Safeguards Rule Part Two – 10 Steps Your Dealership Should be Taking to Navigate the FTC Safeguards Rule Before December 9

Please join us for Part Two of our Safeguards Educational Webinar Series. In this installment Adam Crowell, President and General Counsel of ComplyNet will thoroughly review a 10-step process and provide you the information you need to get prepared for the upcoming deadline.

    These steps include:

  1. Assemble your safeguards team
  2. Create a written risk assessment
  3. Document your written information security plan
  4. Provide Information Security Training
  5. Perform Phishing Penetration Testing
  6. Assess and obligate service providers
  7. Develop access controls
  8. Implement technical safeguards
  9. Establish your written incident response plan
  10. Provide your written annual report to your board

Register today. You do not want to miss this valuable information.