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Integration Solutions - Prescreen

Eliminate the guesswork when working a deal

Prescreens eliminate the guesswork when working a deal, giving dealers an insight into a customer’s FICO score and credit profile before they work a deal, so you can work the right deal, right away, saving time and reducing deal friction.

Unique features of our prescreen solution include:

  • Proprietary VIN match technology to easily identify a match between the vehicle in for service and the associated auto trade line in the credit file.
  • OpportunityAlerts! – color-coded icons that alert the dealer to potential sales opportunities based on specific data points in the customer credit summary. Triggers are set in the dealer’s implementation, and a proprietary algorithm reads data from the prescreen results and presents the appropriate alert/color on the summary credit file results.
man on smartphone


Our Prescreen solution is easily integrated into dozens of dealership platforms where visibility is needed to maintain a smooth workflow and a speedy sales process. Some common integrations today include:

Business Development Centers

To qualify and prioritize inbound and internet leads from all sources



Sales, CRM and DMS Applications

To mine for opportunities within your own database 

Service Lane Applications

Fills in the gaps on customers who did not purchase their vehicles at your store

Digital Retailing

To support the customer journey and provide accurate interest rates and monthly payment quotes


Front-of-Store Applications 

To prescreen customers when they visit your dealership, or while they are on a test drive


Batch Processing

We support prescreens in both real-time and in batch processing mode. Batch processing enables dealers to send a file to 700Credit to be processed overnight. Files can be delivered through either direct upload of a CSV file into the dealer’s platform, or through a standard FTP setup.

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Integrate Prescreen Today!

700Credit is ready to discuss integration opportunities no matter where your software fits in the dealership. Fill out our form and a member of our team will reach out to you shortly.

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