3 Practical Things Dealers Can Learn from the Rapid Retail Transformations Occurring in the Mattress Industry

Eric Giroux – Director of Product Management, DealerSocket

Attendees will know the commonalities and key tactics that automotive dealerships can glean from the most successful and progressive mattress retailers. Learn the three universal things that consumers must be convinced of prior to making their online “purchase plunge”, whether buying cars or mattresses.

About Eric Giroux

Eric Giroux is a Director of Product Management at DealerSocket.  He has been working in the automotive software for nearly 10 years.  Beginning his career as a Marketing Director for a 12-store group, Giroux transitioned into website and dealership software development in 2012.  Since then, he has led development groups responsible for creating leading website platforms and digital retailing solutions in our industry.  Outside of automotive, Giroux has also built, managed, and sold digital publications that have grossed over a $1 million in advertiser revenue.