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10 Steps to Compliance in Sales, Finance and Advertising

10 Steps to Compliance in Sales, Finance and Advertising - ON DEMAND

It seems like it is in the news every day.  The FTC, CFPB, and state attorney generals are aggressively holding dealerships and auto lenders responsible for “unfair” and “deceptive” acts and practices.  In doing so, these regulators are emphasizing the need for more disclosures, greater transparency, and equal treatment.  To avoid these costly regulatory enforcement actions, your dealership needs the right mix of people, processes, and platforms, along with a successful roadmap to compliance.

Join Ken Hill, President of 700Credit, and Adam Crowell, President & General Counsel of ComplyNet, as we discuss 10-Steps that your dealership should take to navigate a successful compliance roadmap in the areas of advertising, sales, and finance so you won’t be subjected to heavy fines from the state and regulatory entities.

Register today to gain access to this valuable information to keep your dealership in compliance and out of the news.